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Can Cervical Cancer Be Prevented?

The two most important things you can do to prevent cervical cancer is to get the vaccine against HPV if you qualify and be tested as directed. The most common form of cervical cancer begins with pre-cancerous changes and there are ways to prevent this development.

The first is to find and manage pre-cancers before they grow invasive cancer and the second is the prevention of pre-cancer. Depending on your age, overall health, and personal risk of cervical cancer, some things can be done that can prevent cancers and pre-conditions that lead to pre-cancers.

cervical cancer prevention

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Get a vaccine against HPV

Vaccines are accessible that can protect adolescent people upon certain HPV infections. These vaccines guard against disease with the subtypes of HPV most commonly associated with cancer and certain types that can cause genital and anal warts.

These injections only work to prevent the HPV virus – they will not treat an infection that is already there. Therefore, to be effective, vaccines against HPV should be given before a person is exposed to HPV.

This helps prevent pre-cancer vaccines and cancer of the cervix. Remarkable HPV vaccines are also recommended to help prevent different types of cancers and genital and anal warts.

The vaccine needs a set of injections. Side effects are generally mild. The most obvious is swelling, short-term redness, and pain at the injection site. Rarely, a young personality might fail soon after injection.