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Get Some Cleaning Tips From The Experts In Melbourne

Get Some Cleaning Tips From The Experts In Melbourne

People expect their linens to be clean, perhaps more so than personal clothes. It is important that linens are clean at all times. Many people don't know how to ensure that their linens are clean.

Basic Laundry Rules

It can be difficult to wash your bedsheets, so most people don’t do it enough. Recent surveys show that most people change their sheets only once per month. Therefore, It would be the best solution to get help from the experts of laundry via AAA Tea Towels.

This is not sufficient. Sheets should be changed at the very least every other week, and weekly is better. Washing the sheets daily is an option if a person is sick to prevent reinfection.

After the bed has been stripped, it should be easy to wash the linens. Although many detergents are designed for cold water, it is best to wash linens in hot water. 

Make sure that there is enough space in your washing machine to allow the sheets to move around during the agitation cycle.

To dry your sheets, you can use a hot dryer and not a clothesline. Although it might seem more eco-friendly to hang your sheets to dry, heat from the dryer can kill dust mites. 

Hanging bed linens outside to dry could cause dust and allergens to build upon previously cleaned sheets and pillowcases.


Hot water can help you sanitize your sheets but it won't work if it takes too long. Your washer should submerge linens in water at least 105°F. The dryer should run at a temperature of 160°F. These temperatures will kill germs and microorganisms from contaminating your linens.

White linens can be cleaned with bleach or vinegar, but not both. These harsh chemicals can be used to remove stains and clean your linens.

A professional linen service is the best way to achieve these goals. The industrial machines used by professional cleaners heat linens to remove stains and sterilize them.