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A Brief Introduction About Cutlery Knives

A Brief Introduction About Cutlery Knives

Standard cutlery can be difficult for people who have a tremor or reduced strength. It can be difficult to control it correctly, which can make mealtimes uncomfortable. There are some knives and forks that have special adaptations to make them easier to use.

Metal cutlery is usually quite narrow. This requires a precise grip. This can cause pain for people suffering from arthritis of the fingers and hands. This can be dramatically improved by using cutlery with a larger handle. To find out the best cutlery knives, visit

Handling 'built up' cutlery can improve control by spreading the weight out more evenly. Larger items are easier to grip than smaller ones, which can cause tremors.

Foam tubing is another way to increase the cutlery handles' girth. It is available in various thicknesses and can be used with standard cutlery. If used correctly, wrapping cutlery with thick tape can have a similar effect.

Special knives and forks, such as the 'Caring Cuttinglery' range, offer additional control features. This range features a contoured design that fits comfortably in the hand. The top of the item has an indentation that allows for firm positioning of the index fingers. This improves control and decreases the impact of tremors.

A reacher is another useful aid for those with limited flexibility. These devices are sometimes called grabbers or reaching aids. They allow people with reduced mobility to reach items that would otherwise be impossible. This can be a great help when dressing.