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Caregivers Guide to Understanding Dementia Behavior

Caregivers Guide to Understanding Dementia Behavior

Caring for patients with dementia is not easy. Giving appropriate care to someone with this illness can be daunting. 

Some common issues caregivers face include wandering around, aggressiveness, and miscommunication, among others. Here is an outline of how one should handle dementia behavior. You can also search the web to get more information about to change assistance organization.

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     Understanding Dementia Behavior #1: Handling Communication

Communication is often the most challenging problem. Remember that none of us were born knowing how we should communicate with dementia patients. Caregivers, therefore, should improve their communication skills to make their work easier. 

Remember that your attitude and body language speaks louder than your words. One should, therefore, set encouraging moods through facial expression, physical touch, as well as tone variation. These will ensure that your message is delivered affectionately.

Again, it’s wise that a caregiver gets the attention of their patients when communicating. You should, therefore, limit any distractions such as noise from surrounding areas. Address your patient by name and state your message clearly. Also, ensure that you’ve introduced yourself to them.

     Understanding Dementia Behavior #2: Sleeplessness and Restlessness

Patients with dementia often suffer from this too. Training the mind of a dementia patient when to rest is crucial. Caregivers can also remove certain stimulants like coffee and sugar. One should also ask help from doctors to prescribe medications that can help with restlessness.