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End Of Lease Cleaning Mistakes You Must Avoid Doing

End Of Lease Cleaning Mistakes You Must Avoid Doing

The general cleaning may not be difficult or technical, but mistakes do happen. If you are a tenant, you should avoid this mistake if you want to please the landlord about the condition of the apartment when you move.

If you are looking for end of lease cleaning visit  In our work as cleaners in Melbourne, we see common mistakes that can only make your life worse. 

Starting from permanent stains on carpets, worn furniture, dirty surfaces and even damaged equipment. Anything that can be done due to improper cleaning.

Don't clean fans and filters – Invisible parts of properties like fans and filters are forgotten. They can get really dirty during runtime. If the filter is not cleaned, it can clog and the entire system can be easily damaged. The extractor can be quickly cleaned with warm, soapy water.

Don't clean your dishwasher – The dishwasher is a widely used household appliance in the kitchen that we often forget to clean. The most important thing to watch out for is the dishwasher filter. Because it works to absorb dirt from the dishes, cleaning is often important. Check the manufacturer's instructions to determine how to remove the filter. Soak in soap and warm water for 30 minutes. 

Spray the surface directly – Spraying detergent directly on kitchen countertops or furniture can build up product on the surface and make cleaning difficult. It can also attract more dust. This can make the surface oily and sticky. To avoid this, spray the towels with detergent and not the surface to be cleaned.

Don't clean the hood fan filters regularly – hoods are often neglected during routine cleaning. If you cook a lot, use it often. The hood filter may be sealed with grease. Consult the manufacturer's instructions and find out how to clean it. If you do this often, the device will not only absorb more fat from the air but also prevent damage.