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Everything You Need to Know About 4WD Rear Bars

Everything You Need to Know About 4WD Rear Bars

Your 4WD vehicle's safety should be your first priority. Protective gear such as rear bars or bull bars is a smart choice for you and your vehicle. You can buy a rear bar for your vehicle by browsing this site.

New rear bar for my GU Patrol, more photos to come after paint: 4x4

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Most 4WDs come with stock bumpers made of plastic that is not able to withstand slight bumps. They will be easily squashed if they come into contact with solid structures such as trees or rocks.

What is a rear bar? Rear bars are similar to bull bars, but they are placed at the rear. These bars are made from steel and cover the rear of your 4WD to protect it and hold spare tires and other accessories.

Why should I install a rear bar?

Many people install rear bars for these reasons.

High clearance and a higher departure angle are important. Driving over anything that is slightly taller than your vehicle can cause serious damage. This can cause damage to the bumper and rear panel, which can be a problem if you are in the middle of nowhere.

All plastic bumpers will be removed when you install a rear bar. This will allow for more clearance. This allows you to have a better departure angle, which can reduce the risk of your car being damaged.

Your vehicle will be unaffected by the impact force because the material at the rear (stainless steel), can absorb it. You will need to spend a lot to repair the damage without it.

Increases load distribution for towing: The tow bars do not distribute the trailer's weight evenly. Towing is made easier by rear bars, which compensate for the vehicle's lower weight. You can use it as a base to attach accessories.