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How Shower Chairs Make Bathing Safer For The Elderly

How Shower Chairs Make Bathing Safer For The Elderly

Shower chairs are especially helpful for the elderly or disabled. These chairs are designed to make bathing easier for those with disabilities. Equipment like Tilt In Space Shower Chair has been widely used today.

Let’s now discuss how these chairs make bathing safer.

If an elderly person is using a wheelchair, they will have difficulty in bathing. You cannot leave an elderly person to use a wheelchair for bathing. This chair is not designed for this purpose. Here is where the shower chair comes in.

It is much easier to transfer an elderly person from his wheelchair to the shower chair or vice versa if there is a seat available. This ease of transfer also means that the user is safer. The process is quick and easy for carers.

The needs of an elder will determine the options available. You will most likely choose one with back support. As you know, elders can have difficulty maintaining their balance while sitting in any type of chair. This is why you should look into the shower seat that has back support.

It will make your loved ones feel safer.

You can choose designs with side handles that have back support. If you need to leave an elderly person alone while bathing, this will make it easier. These special chairs have handles that can be used to clean the feet and lower legs of elderly people.