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Key Questions To Answer Before The Actual Cloud Migration Process

Key Questions To Answer Before The Actual Cloud Migration Process

Companies worldwide are migrating their work to the cloud. From storing and backing up important data to allowing your team to access project files while on the go, cloud storage and file management are driving a new revolution in how we work and how we service our clients. You can look for the best cloud migration services if you can check here.

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If you are a business that's considering moving some of your workflows to the cloud, what questions do you need to ask before starting the actual cloud migration process? Here are tips to get you started.

1) Should I start small or do all my research first?

Whether you work at a startup company or a large enterprise that must carefully vet each step of the cloud migration process, it's important to make the cloud a part of your workflow as early as possible. These services make sharing files easier and faster, expediting the sending of files through email, text and other communication. 

2) Which parts of your company's data should be kept in the cloud?

While cloud storage and cloud computing services are a tremendous resource, they may not be suitable for all of your data. By law, some information cannot be stored online, including credit card numbers and other sensitive information entrusted to you by clients and employees. 

3) What are the different cloud solution companies and what are their pricing schedules?

Now that you have an idea of what data you'd like to keep in the cloud, you can explore the cost of moving your data to the cloud as you research cloud storage providers that may be a good fit for you.