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Personal Protective Equipment and Use

Personal Protective Equipment and Use

It is important to ensure the correct selection is made in Personal Protective Equipment as not all will meet the same performance requirements and provide the same protection. For example, use of dishwashing gloves would not be used in the handling of gasoline.

In choosing Personal Protective Equipment some consideration should be given to durability, permeability, resistance to abrasion and burns, insulation, resistance to cuts, cleanability, size, and comfort.

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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Safety: A Guide SafetyCulture

Uses for Personal Protective Equipment will include:

Head protection in the form of a safety helmet shall be worn where there is a possibility that a person may be struck on the head by a falling object, a person may strike his/her head against a fixed object, and they're also may be accidental head contact with electrical hazards.

Eye protection shall be provided where a risk of eye injury exists. Typical hazards might include flying particles, dust, splashing substances, harmful gases, vapors, aerosols, and high-intensity radiation from welding operations.

Hearing protection shall be provided where a risk of noise-induced hearing loss exists. The need for hearing protection shall be assessed from the conduct of noise surveys in potential noise hazard areas or if you place your outstretched arm on a fellow person and speak normally. If they cannot understand what you are saying; hearing protection is probably needed.

Respiratory protection should be worn if after all other practicable measures have been taken to provide control measures, to ensure that no staff member is exposed to an atmosphere that is or may be injurious to health.