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clean eating meals

All About Clean Eating Meal Plan

Are you looking for a clean meal plan? Maybe something like a list of what foods and portions to eat. Many people like to have a written plan of what they will eat for the day and this will help them keep a schedule and track their intake. This is a great way to start your health and wellness journey. You can also find the best clean eating meals via

Here is a sample meal plan a day to give you an idea of the types of foods you should eat

The day is divided into 4-6 small meals. Usually I do 5. People take this idea more and more and it's true because it makes sense. Eat more and your metabolism will increase

1. Breakfast 6:30 – 1 hard-boiled or poached egg, 1/2 cup oatmeal and grapefruit

2. First breakfast 09:30 – banana and handful of almonds

3. Lunch 12:30 – Spinach salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, vegetables or walnuts, almonds, and 1 hard-boiled egg.

4. Breakfast 3:30 – kiwi, half a cup of cottage cheese and other fruit

5. Dinner 6:30am – 1 cup brown rice, 4 ounces chicken, fried or grilled, broccoli

Don't worry if this timeline doesn't work for you, it's just an example and should be used to help create a plan that fits your schedule. The more you do it, the better you will feel. You'll learn what's good on the side and soon won't even have to worry about a clean eating plan.