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Garden Edging: Types and Uses

Spade-Cut Trenches edging variation is the most elegant. Admired ornamental gardens all around the state are usually bordered using spade-cut trenches. You can buy best garden edging products via

Versatility will never be an issue when spade-cuts are used. They go along easily with sloped, plain or any site. They are also used for a garden edging that requires a difficult shape.

The work needed to obtain a beautifully crafted spade-cut trench is not that rough. It involves little digging for a trench that is at least 3 to 4 inches deep. Its final result will solely depend on how accurate your template is – straight, it is, or fair curves.

This kind of edging needs little maintenance but it should be done regularly. You can pull out unwanted grass with the use of a weeding tool. You can also re-cut the edges from time to time to keep its sharpness.

Stone Paver

Some would want their garden to have a look that is just like their house. A garden edging made of bricks may be suitable for that kind of standard. Usually, people use them as decorations without knowing how beneficial this edging variation could be.

You could take advantage more with bricks if you lay them horizontally. These would help lawn mowers to track edges properly. On the other hand, these bricks will have its narrow end as its visible surface when installed vertically. This tactic does not ensure clean mowing strips, though.