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Food Photography

Tips For Food Photography

Taking photos of various food dishes is not an easy task as seen in cooking books and food. A photographer must be aware of the environment in which he took a picture like that.

The main considerations for food shooting include plate angle and dish composition, and the room where the picture is taken has a good amount of light. Here are some points mentioned to be considered. You can choose the best Professional Cocktail Photography at Frey Soh Photography to promote your business.


The main consideration for a photographer is a lamp in the kitchen or other room where the picture will be taken from various types of food. The preparation he will save time and frustration later when you are actively involved in the shooting. Dark places can be adjusted by using neon lighting lights that have diffusers. 

Tripod stability

It takes close range when you photograph food, and every shot must be done very carefully. Shots taken from close range are quite sensitive to movement, in contrast to further images. So the results can be tarnished by sudden movements – or even a little -. As a result, the tripod functions as a valuable tool when absolute silence is needed. 

Food presentation

If you want professionalism in your image, the dish must be formed geometrically. The composition of the dish must be done in such a way that the materials and strengths of each dish are displayed in the picture. And food must be decorated so that natural colors are increased, making it more attractive.