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Genetic Testing

Symptoms That Make Pancreatic Cancer the Most Deadliest Disease

To understand the symptoms of pancreatic cancer, you first have to understand what the pancreas and what function do. 

Located in front of the spine, in the stomach and at the level just above the navel, the pancreas is an organ that does two jobs; it makes enzymes that help break down proteins and make the hormone insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels. You can find more information about pancreatic cancer by clicking this link.

Pancreatic enzymes that make the meat protein into pieces that are small enough to aid in the digestion of proteins more easily absorbed and used for energy by the body.

Due to the location of the pancreas, pancreatic cancer symptoms are usually not detected until it has advanced to the point that it is difficult to treat. Unfortunately, the vast majority of cases, symptoms do not develop until cancer begins to spread and grow. 

Delay in Diagnosing Cancer Leads to Metastatic Spread.

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The pancreas consists of three areas; head, body, and tail; The most common form of cancer of the pancreas is located in the head and is called adenocarcinoma. When it comes to cancer of the pancreas, the location does not matter because the associated symptoms vary with each type. 

Adenocarcinoma, which is located at the head of the pancreas, resulting in the early symptoms of cancer symptoms in the body or tail of the pancreas.

Symptoms in the head of the pancreas, including jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, weight loss, itching, vomiting, dark urine, nausea, light-colored stool, lymph nodes in the neck are enlarged, back pain and abdominal pain. 

Symptoms of pancreatic cancer in the head or body of the pancreas produce symptoms such as weight loss, abdominal pain, and backache.