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Safety Precautions During Fire Restoration

When working with fire restoration, it is important to take precautions to ensure your safety. Here are some tips to follow:

1. always wear a safety mask and gloves when working with fire restoration

2. use a fire extinguisher only when necessary

3. avoid working near open flames or burning materials

4. be aware of the potential for toxic smoke and fumes

You can also visit rebuilding homes & live for over 40 years such as DEL MAR  for flammable precautions. When working with fire restoration, it is important to take precautions to avoid injury. Here are some tips to keep you safe:

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1. Wear protective gear: A fire restoration technician should always wear protective gear, including a fire retardant suit and goggles.

2. Use a hose: A fire Restoration technician should use a hose to douse the flames and cool the area down.

3. Stay away from open flames: Fire restoration technicians should stay away from open flames, as they can be dangerous.

4. Keep a safe distance: Fire restoration technicians should keep a safe distance from the fire, and never attempt to put out the blaze on their own.

Restoration crews should also take photos and video of the property before they begin work to document the damage. This will help them to understand what needs to be repaired and how the project will be carried out.