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Physical Therapy Treatment for Chronic Low Back Pain

Low back pain is a common condition that affects the lower back. Low back pain usually disappears within a few days to weeks. If you are experiencing low back pain for more than six weeks, then it is considered acute. If the pain continues for longer than 12 weeks, you may have a chronic condition. You can get the best acupressure massage treatment in Downtown for the treatment for chronic low back pain.

Low back pain can occur suddenly or slowly. The main area affected is the lower back, but the pain can spread to other parts of the body like the legs, feet, and buttocks. Low back pain is caused by strain to muscles, ligaments, and tendons, as well as bones. The exact cause of the strain can vary from person to person so make sure to talk to your doctor.

Acute low back pain is best treated by not being too active and not overexerting yourself. Although you may think that staying in bed will relieve the pain, doctors recommend not recommending prolonged periods of rest. You should continue your regular activities, but slowly. Some exercises might not be beneficial at the beginning of pain. After a few weeks, you can try some aerobic exercises. 

For chronic low back pain, professional physical therapy should be sought if the pain persists for more than three weeks. A physical therapist who is qualified will understand the needs of each patient with chronic low back pain. They can design and implement a customized physical therapy program for this condition.

The first step in physical therapy for chronic low back pain is to educate the patient about proper movement and posture. Physical therapists may use heat, ultrasound, and electric stimulation to treat the affected area. Specific exercises are used in physical therapy to treat chronic low back pain. They help improve flexibility and strengthen the back muscles, especially those supporting the spine.