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How To Use Rufus To Install LinuxFX

Today we”re going to talk about LinuxFX. I know you’re waiting for me to say the undisputed Linux Mint is the best Windows look-alike among all the Linux distros. But sorry to pop your bubble, there’s a heavyweight contender already fired up to face the ‘boxing’ ring. Meet Linuxfx, with its newest version of Linux 10.3 that is based on Ubuntu 20.4. Its heavily molded desktop interface courtesy by Cinnamon desktop environment to mimic the exact feel and aesthetics of a Windows 10 OS. You can say its a doppelganger with all the intentions displayed to have Windows 10 system navigation, from the taskbar, start menu, system menu, and the placement of other elements. When you downloaded LinuxFX ISO, you can use Rufus to install it.


It even has an alternative AI for Cortana which is Hello, that comes with multiple languages e.g., English, Brazilian Portugues, and Spanish, where its basic function to act as a Windows voice assistant. LinuxFX also uses Wine for users that is simply unique for Linux, it can install (.msi) and (.exe) patches that work seamlessly with PuTTY, WinRAR and other applications you normally use on Windows app, especially with the Control Panel allowing you to auto-install additional files further increasing the compatibility with Windows-exclusive softwares. To know more, see for additional info.