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terrazzo tile

How To Care For Terrazzo Flooring Tiles?

Terrazzo flooring is a beautiful and unique type of tile flooring. So if you're considering installing terrazzo floor tiles in your home, there are a few things you need to know before taking the plunge. However, like any other type of flooring, it needs to be cared for properly in order to keep it looking its best. 

terrazzo tile


Here are some tips for caring for Terrazzo flooring:

1. Always use a damp mop when cleaning Terrazzo flooring. This will help to remove any dirt, dust, or debris that may have accumulated over time.

2. Never use harsh detergents or cleaners on Terrazzo flooring. Because it damage the finish on the tiles.

3. Do not walk on Terrazzo flooring while it is wet. This will cause the tiles to crack and become damaged.

4. Avoid exposing Terrazzo flooring to direct sunlight or heat sources. These types of exposure can lead to discoloration or even fading of the tiles.

 5. Never use a vacuum cleaner on Terrazzo flooring. This could cause the tiles to become damaged or even cracked.

6. Always place Terrazzo flooring into a protective covering when not in use. The fibers of the floor are delicate and can be easily damaged if left out unprotected.

7. Clean Terrazzo flooring with water only when needed. Do not constantly clean the flooring, especially when it is dry or dusty as this can damage the tile's surface and may lead to cracking and other problems down the road.

Following these tips will ensure that you keep your Terrazzo floors looking new for years to come.