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tv mounting

How To Install A TV Wall Mount

As modern televisions become more affordable, more and more people are choosing to upgrade to the new LCD or large screen plasma televisions. A wall-mounted TV not only looks great, but it also saves space and is much easier to install than you could ever imagine.

Of course, installing your own TV wall mount isn't for everyone. If you wish, you can contact a specialist installer. You can also get the best tv mounting services via

Once you are confident in your DIY skills, however, you can mount your new wall mount in the afternoon without breaking.

The first thing you need to do is to choose the right location for your installation. The best thing to do is mount your TV on a solid wall.

You can use solid masonry, but if your wall is drywall you will want to make sure that you attach the mount to the wall posts. Drywall alone is not strong enough to support the weight of a flat-screen TV.

Also, make sure you see the TV clearly from the sofa. You can put up a poster on the wall where you want to mount the TV so that you can see it comfortably while you sit down.

You can always move the poster around until you find a place you like. Remember, it's better to spend more time planning and being safe on-site than to rush into fixing an install and then regretting where you put it.

Then of course you have to install it. Note that some TVs may require certain types of installation. Therefore, you should read the operating instructions.