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wine cellar

Best Wine Rack – What to Look For in Your Dream Wine Rack

Wine connoisseurs know the importance of wine racks to keep the wine in the best possible condition. However, the question of which is the best wine rack among the thousands of possible options is almost always a matter of personal preference, in the same way that the best wine is also a matter of personal taste, literally.

The best Metal wine racking systems will follow very personal criteria. Your interior designer, if you have one, can help you choose, but in the end, the choice is yours. Here are some of the personal criteria to take into account.

Number of Wines

It makes perfect sense to buy a wine rack that can accommodate the approximate number of wines in your collection. So, if your wines are, say, only 5 at the moment and you don't want to triple that shortly, then a countertop model is the best shelf for your needs.

Used materials

You have many options in rack materials. The wooden shelves add a classic touch to the minibar with their warm tones, while the metal shelves add a contemporary touch to an ancient drink. You can even choose between glass wine racks combined with metal or wood.

Also, it is not the materials used in the frame that matter most. Instead, you should first consider the location of the rack, which should be cool and dark with slight humidity. Although the bottles are dark in color to protect against light damage, it is still advisable that the wines be stored in the dark to develop their complex flavors.

In fact, even the best wine racks will be of little value if you place them near sunlight and other heat sources, as well as in areas with freezing temperatures.

Design Considerations

Last but not least, you should also consider the design qualities of the rack. Since the shelf will become part of the decor in whatever part of the house you choose to place it in, you need to make sure that it blends in with the rest of the furniture and accessories.