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The procedure of Protective Order in Denver

The procedure of Protective Order in Denver

In Denver, a restraining order is a complicated process. Many jurisdictions require victims of domestic violence to contact authorities within a specified time frame each day. If victims cannot wait to get protection and restraining orders violation defense they have other options too.

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For such court orders to be issued in many jurisdictions, those seeking legal protection must contact the appropriate law enforcement division. They will need to meet them in person for paperwork and for a brief hearing. Although this temporary restraining order is often available without the presence or consent of the person being restrained it does not provide the same long-term protection as a full order. It will allow a person to call the police for assistance if they violate the terms of the order. In addition, it may also be used to punish offenders.

The temporary order will remain in effect while the court hearing is held to discuss the abuser's future legal status. A victim of abuse may be granted a longer restraining order, usually lasting for around a year. The order may be extended by being renewed if necessary.

A local law enforcement officer may be able to provide guidance for an emergency order if a person doesn't believe they are safe and cannot find shelter. In Denver, These orders are issued immediately to protect against abusers, but require more paperwork and have specific qualifications. This legal option can be extremely helpful if someone believes they are in imminent danger.