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Tummy Tuck Surgery – An Overview

Tummy Tuck Surgery – An Overview

Tummy tuck surgery is a  great option for women and men and for those who have experienced weight loss or are unable to lose that last bit of weight.

It is also known as abdominoplasty, patients choose this procedure to effectively get rid of excess skin and tissue in the abdominal area and effectively tighten the midsection. This article will tell you how to go about the process and what to expect from the result and recovery.

If you’re looking for more information about tummy tuck surgery you can see here now.

tummy tuck surgery

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The tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia and the patient is usually discharged the same day. The surgeon places the incision in the lower abdomen, and although it spans from nearly hip bone to hip bone.

The surgeon then removes the excess fat tissue and the stretched abdominal muscles are sutured into a tighter position. After completing this restoration work, the outer skin is stretched back to close the incision.

A tummy tuck is an essential surgery that requires at least two weeks of recovery time. During the first few weeks after surgery, the patient wears a special belt that immobilizes the area and aids healing. 

This type of procedure has been tested from time to time and provides fantastic results. However, it is wise to avoid future weight gain and make sure you have finished giving birth, as both of these scenarios will likely reverse the results. Those situations avoided will ensure years of satisfaction.