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approval workflow google forms

How to Use Google Forms for Approval Workflows?

Approval workflows are an essential part of any business or organization's operations. They help to ensure that all decisions are made in a fair and consistent manner and that tasks are completed in a timely fashion. Google Forms is a powerful tool that can help streamline the approval process. In this article, we'll explore how to use Google Forms for approval workflows.

Creating Forms

The first step in creating an approval workflow is to create the form. Approval Workflow Google Form makes it easy to create forms with a wide range of features, including question types, answer options, and more. Once the form is created, it can be shared with the relevant stakeholders.

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Setting Up Approvals

Once the form is created, the next step is to set up the approval process. Google Forms has various options for setting up an approval workflow, including assigning approvers, setting deadlines, and more. Depending on the complexity of the approval process, there are several options for setting up the approval process in Google Forms.

Tracking Progress

Once the approval process is set up, it's important to track progress. Google Forms makes it easy to track the status of each approval request. For example, users can check the status of a request at any time, and they can also set up notifications to be alerted when a request is approved or denied.


Google Forms is a powerful tool for streamlining approval workflows. It makes it easy to create forms and set up approval processes, and it also provides users with powerful tracking and notification features. By taking advantage of these features, businesses can ensure their approval workflows are efficient and effective.