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diabetic shoes Indiana

What Should Be Done To Avoid Or Delay Diabetic Complications?

Diabetes is an autoimmune disease, characterized by the fact that the pancreas does not produce, or produces too little hormone – insulin, thus causing a higher concentration of glycemia in the blood.

Elevated blood sugar level (above 180 mg/dL) temporarily causes the patient to feel unwell, feel broken, sleepy, tired, and have problems with concentration. You can purchase the diabetic shoes through blueriverpharmacy whenever required.

These are quite unpleasant ailments that pass with the normalization of glycemia, so it would seem that nothing bad is happening.

Nothing could be further from the truth. High levels of sugar are not indifferent to the body. The organs most exposed to diabetic complications are kidneys, eyes, heart, and feet. Below you will find a description of the most serious diseases that threaten the health and life of a diabetic.

The most common complication of diabetes is kidney damage, so-called diabetic nephropathy. High blood sugar levels, abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride values, and arterial hypertension contribute to the development of diabetes mellitus. The first symptom of kidney abnormalities in the presence of protein in the urine.

Fortunately, proteinuria can be eliminated (provided that it is diagnosed early) by implementing appropriate drugs. You can buy comfortable diabetic shoes in brownsburg, indianapolis & Indiana whenever needed.

Therefore, it is very important to perform at least once a year the following tests: microalbuminuria and creatinine, regular blood pressure measurement, and maintaining good glycemic values.

Diabetic retinopathy is the damage to blood vessels in the retina of the eye.

The disease has many varieties: non-proliferative, pre-proliferative and proliferative. The most dangerous is the latter, characterized by neoplasm (growth) of vessels in the eye, bleeding to the vitreous body, and even retinal detachment, which with high probability may mean permanent loss of sight for the patient.

The development of retinopathy, apart from severely unstable diabetes, is facilitated by such factors as long-term illness (over 20 years), pregnancy, cataract surgery, stress, arterial hypertension, abnormal values of cholesterol and triglycerides.