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Elder Law Of Arizona

How A Special Needs Trust Can Protect Your Loved One

A Special Needs Trust (SNT) is designed to protect individuals with special needs and disabilities. These trusts provide a way for parents, guardians, or other family members to ensure their loved one with special needs will be taken care of both now and in the future.

The trust allows your loved one to receive funds or assets without jeopardizing their eligibility for government benefits. It also gives you the ability to provide for their needs, while ensuring that the funds are used to enhance their quality of life. If you are looking for a Special Needs Trust in Arizona, you can browse this website.

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The trust can be used to pay for items that are not covered by government benefits, like special equipment, therapies, and healthcare services. It can also provide for other needs such as housing, education, transportation, and recreation. 

The funds in the trust can come from a variety of sources, such as a personal gift, a life insurance policy, or an inheritance. The trust will be managed by a trustee, who will be responsible for making sure the funds are used for the benefit of your loved one.

A Special Needs Trust can provide peace of mind for you and your family. It ensures that your loved one will be taken care of no matter what the future holds. It also gives you the ability to provide for their needs while preserving their eligibility for government benefits.