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Federal Criminal Defense Attorney

How To Find A Federal Criminal Defense Attorney

When charged with a federal crime, it is imperative to consider the different avenues and courses of action available to you. One option that many people do not think of is hiring a private criminal defense lawyer. Federal criminal defense lawyers are specialists in defending individuals who have been charged with crimes at the federal level. These lawyers can help you negotiate a plea deal, fight to get your charges reduced or dropped and represent you during your trial.

Finding a federal criminal defense lawyer can be difficult, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Let's have a look at them.

  • First, try asking your friends, family members, or local bar association for recommendations. 
  • Next, look online. Many states have online directories of qualified lawyers. Additionally, lawyer directories put out by professional organizations such as the American Bar Association (ABA) or the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) often include criminal defense attorneys who represent clients in specific areas of law. 
  • Finally, ask around at your local courthouse or police station – many officials are familiar with good criminal defense attorneys and might be able to point you in the right direction.

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Types of Federal Criminal Cases:

There are three main types of federal criminal cases:

  • Traditional criminal cases in which a defendant is charged with a specific crime and is tried by a jury.
  • Administrative proceedings, such as civil or administrative hearings, in which defendants may be charged without ever being brought to trial.
  • Unlawful entry into the United States, which is prosecuted as a class action.