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hail damage repair

How to Fix Your Car After a Hail Storm

Hail storms can be a nightmare for car owners, causing thousands of dollars in damage to vehicles across the country. The good news is that most of this damage can be repaired, allowing you to get back on the road with a hail-free car.

Assessing the Damage 

The first step in repairing hail damage is to assess the damage that the storm has caused. Take a look over the entire car, noting any dents, scratches, or chips that may have been caused by the hail. To find the best hail damage repair services navigate to this site

Filling in Dents 

If the hail has caused dents in your car, you can use a dent-filling kit to repair the damage. These kits are available at most auto parts stores and can be used to fill in small dents. 

Removing Scratches 

Hail can also cause scratches on the surface of your car. To repair these scratches, you’ll need to use an auto body filler. This is a special kind of putty that you apply to the scratched area, then sand and paint over.

Protecting Your Car 

Once you’ve repaired the hail damage to your car, you’ll want to take steps to protect it from future storms. Invest in a good quality car cover, and make sure to park your car in a garage or other covered area when a hail storm is forecasted.