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indoor swimming pool enclosures

Choices For Choosing A Heated Pool Enclosure

With the cooler fall and winter weather coming, many homeowners are deciding to close up their pools. Many people choose to get an enclosure that allows them to only access their pool when they have a key, which is great when you want to keep your pool out of sight and out of mind. You can find the best outdoor pool enclosure through various online websites.

outdoor pool enclosure

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With so many people opting for heated enclosures it's important for you to find out what your options are. There are a variety of choices when it comes to choosing a heated pool enclosure. The main decision you need to make is what type of heating system you want. There are the main type of heating systems

Forced air heating systems use warm air from a furnace to heat the pool. This is the most common type of heating system. Gas heating systems use natural gas or propane to heat the pool. Electric heating systems use electricity to heat the pool.

Each type of system has its own advantages. Forced air heating systems are the cheapest option but they can be difficult to install. Gas heating systems are more expensive but they have more options for customization and they are easier to install than forced air systems.

Electric heating systems are the most expensive but they are the most energy efficient and they have more options for customization than either gas or forced air systems.