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Pool cover

How to Maintain Your Swimming Pool Cover for Longevity

A swimming pool cover is a valuable investment for any pool owner. It helps to keep the pool clean, reduce water evaporation, and even save on heating costs. However, like any other product, a swimming pool cover also needs proper maintenance to ensure its longevity. 

1. Clean the Cover Regularly

One of the essential steps in maintaining your swimming pool cover is to clean it regularly. Dirt, debris, and leaves that accumulate on the cover can damage it over time. Use a pool cover cleaner and a soft brush to remove any debris and dirt from the cover. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can scratch or damage the cover. 

2. Store the Cover Properly

When not in use, it's essential to store your pool cover properly. Keep it in a dry and cool place away from direct sunlight. Avoid storing it in a damp or humid area, as this can cause mold and mildew to grow on the cover. 

3. Inspect the Cover Regularly

Regularly inspecting your swimming pool cover is crucial in maintaining its longevity. Inspect the cover for any holes, tears, or other damage that may have occurred. If you notice any damage, repair it immediately to prevent it from getting worse. 

4. Use a Pool Cover Reel

Using a pool cover reel can make it easier to remove and put the cover back on the pool. It also helps to prevent any unnecessary damage to the cover when removing it. A pool cover reel can be manually operated or motorized, depending on your preference. 

5. Maintain Proper Chemical Balance

Maintaining proper chemical balance in your pool is essential for the longevity of your pool cover. An improper chemical balance can damage the cover and reduce its effectiveness. 


Maintaining your swimming pool cover is crucial to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. Regular cleaning, proper storage, regular inspection, using a pool cover reel, and maintaining proper chemical balance are all essential steps in maintaining your pool cover.



Swimming Pool Enclosures: Are They Right For Your Home?

The outdoor swimming pool is a popular feature of most homes, but when it comes to the safety and comfort of your guests, it's always important to find the right one. How can you make sure that your pool will suit your needs? One way to get a better idea of which enclosure is right for you is to check out professional dealers like Coversinplay for more tips and a thorough guide!

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Why Invest in a Pool Enclosure?

A pool enclosure can provide your home with extra security and privacy, keeping children and pets from getting into the pool area. Additionally, a pool enclosure can add value to your property by helping to keep it cooler in the summer months and warmer in the winter months. However, before investing in a pool enclosure, be sure to do your research first. 

Here are some reasons why you might want to invest in a pool enclosure: 

-To Keep Children and Pets Out

-To Improve Security

-To Keep Your Pool Cooler In Summer Months

-To Keep Your Pool Warmer In Winter Months

Typical Costs for a Pool Enclosure

If you're considering putting in a pool enclosure, there are some costs you'll need to be aware of. The average cost for a pool enclosure is between $5,000 and $10,000. This includes the enclosure itself, installation, accessories (such as gate and lock), and any necessary permits. 

Here are some other factors to consider before making your decision:

-How large is your pool?

-What type of materials do you want your enclosure made out of?

-How many people will be using the pool at once?

-Are there any special features you need (like a diving board)?

Now that you know what to expect, it's time to decide if an enclosure is right for your home.