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secure document destruction

How To Dispose Of Documents Safely And Securely

When the time comes for you to get rid of several documents to be destroyed, don't just throw them in the trash. Follow these steps to ensure that your documents are shredded, disposed of properly and securely.

Document shredding can be a helpful way to securely dispose of confidential information. However, there are ways to protect your documents from unauthorized access and destruction. Here are few tips for ensuring safe document shredding assistance:  

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1. Use a secure document shredding service. A reputable service will require you to enter your unique security code before destroying your documents. This will help ensure that the data is not accessible by anyone else.

2. Store your documents on a secure computer system. Protect your computer system with passwords and encryption software, and store your shredded documents on a separate, secure drive.

3. Keep track of your document shredding schedule. Make a note of the date and time that you will destroy your documents, so that you are sure to follow through with the plan.

Documents can be destroyed in a number of ways, but there are some safe and secure methods to dispose of them. Here are the most common document types and how to dispose of them safely: 

-Paper documents can be burned or shredded.

-Electronic documents can be deleted or exported.

-Documents can be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way, such as through composting.